Lyra Delivers First and Only Sustained Medical Cost Reductions Over Four Years

Analysis from Aon reveals that Lyra consistently reduced individual health care costs by 26% per year over four years.

Lyra demonstrates sustained savings over four years in an independent study completed by Aon, a global professional services firm. 

This independent, longitudinal study examined claims data from 30,000 members in the manufacturing, consumer goods, and technology industries. It showed that, on average, Lyra participants saw health care costs that were consistently 26% lower per year over a four-year period. 

Key findings from the study include:

  • Lyra delivers the highest value for families, driving a 54% reduction in health care costs for children 1-18. 
  • Lyra helps prevent the need for intensive and expensive mental health treatment, with members having fewer visits to the emergency department. 
  • Even during the pandemic’s peak, Lyra members saved 37% per year on prescription drugs and did not require as many mental health medications despite having similar mental health diagnoses as the matched non-participants. 
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