Network Virtualization

Four IT Initiatives Boosted By Network Virtualization

Because physical devices lack the flexibility, scalability and economics that IT needs to support LOB demands, network virtualization is becoming mission-critical for enterprises. This white paper details how virtualizing your network can help meet LOB demands by shortening the timetable for 4 pressing IT initiatives. Access now to find out what they are, and learn […]

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Re-Defining Networking With Network Virtualization

If you still use a hardware-centric network, you know that provisioning a network into production is a time-consuming, multi-step process. It doesn’t have to be that way. A virtualized, software-centric network accelerates this process from weeks to merely minutes. In today’s fast-paced digital world, that time savings can make all the difference. [email-download download_id=\”1575\” contact_form_id=\”5\”]

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Essential Guide Understanding the Differences between Network Virtualization and SDN

It’s an exciting and challenging time for IT. Data volume is multiplying fast.Technology is evolving overnight. Demand is rising for  prompt, reliable pplications and services that are simultaneously accessible and secure. It’s no wonder that more companies are moving away from hardwarecentric legacy systems toward an agile, dynamic Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC). An SDDC helps

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