IT Management

IT as a Service for Dummies

Does your business run on a traditional infrastructure? In a rapidly changing business landscape, you may need a new IT strategy. IT as a Service can give your business greater flexibility to serve your customers and greater efficiency to innovate and compete. A new ebook, IT as a Service for Dummies, can tell you everything […]

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A Secure, IT-approved Alternative to Personal File Sharing Services in the Enterprise

Some of the biggest challenges IT teams face today stem from data loss and security risks arising from the unauthorized use of personal file sharing services like Dropbox and Box by employees for business purposes. Personal file sharing services invite data leakage and compliance violations by allowing files being shared to escape beyond the visibility

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ROI Calculator

This ROI calculator (return on investment) calculates an annualized rate of return using exact dates. Also known as ROR (rate of return), these financial calculators allow you to compare the results of different investments. [email-download download_id=\”1667\” contact_form_id=\”5\”]

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What to Look for When Selecting a Computerized Maintenance Management System

There comes a time in facility manager’s career when they know it’s time to stop running their operations on a system that wasn’t built for them. If you’ve reached the point where you’re tired of sifting through piles of printed work orders, bills and other systems or documents you need in order to manage your

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The Vmware Nsx Network Virtualisation Platform

Traditional approaches to networking not only prevent today’s organizations from realizing the full promise of the software defined data center, but also subject them to limited flexibility and operational challenges. The Glass is only Half Full Server and storage virtualization solutions have dramatically transformed the data center by delivering significant operational savings through automation, capital

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SignalFx Turns on Real-time Monitoring for Google Cloud

Most monitoring tools take snapshots of application activity, but SignalFx, which was started in 2013 by ex-Facebook engineers working on APM technology, captures every bit of information about an application to help tune, debug and extract analytics from it. AN FRANCISCO–At the Google Cloud Next conference here this week, Google outlined a new strategy for managing cloud

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SDN Infographic

The worldwide SDN market for the enterprise and cloud service provider segments is forecasted to grow from $360 million in 2013 to $3.7 billion by 2016. The infographic below, courtesy of the Open Networking Summit, presents more statistics on the outlook for growth of Software Defined Networks. The Open Networking Summit will take place on

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